Rainmeter Samurize utilities

Samurize plugins

These plugins are for the Samurize desktop info/ gadget app. It's a very mature and capable app, though, sadly, it appears to be dying. Still, I use these plugins daily and find them very useful, so I decided to make them available.

SageTV scheduled recordings

A visual plugin which shows the next few scheduled recordings in SageTV, a PC TV app. The red frame around the logo means that the show is recorded right now. Update: SageTV has been bought by Google in 2011, it's no longer for sale online.

SageTV plugin


SageTV plugin GUI

timeframe Check schedule this far ahead into the future (hrs)

port, user

Sage web service login.
max. shows How many shows to list.
max. show title Trim long show titles to this length.
line height The height of each show's list entry (pixels)
min. uptime Delay connection to the Sage web server after system start to make sure the server's up and running. Useful if this plugin and the Sage server run on the same PC.


Note: you'll need the sagex web service plugin. In Sage 7, go to Main Menu->Setup->Plugins->Availabe plugins. Under the General tab, find and install: "SageTV Web Interface" and "sagex-services".

Download Sage_1.1.zip (18K)